Friday – July 22, 2022

Iona – Fionnphort, Mull – Craignure, Mull – Oban – Stirling

There’s a liminality state when a pilgrim leaves all one knows,

and into the unknown one intentionally goes.

An external image of a spiritual journey within.

A necessary leap for new life to begin.

Today wasn’t intentional, but a necessary step,

The car ferry’s not running, so Fr. Marty did prep

the group to press on as he stayed back with the luggage

In hopes that the ferry would provide him later passage.

The group ferried to the west coast of Mull, then the winding bus to the east,

Then from Craignure to Oban: they did fine with no priest!

George Brand and his coach in Oban awaited

So when they arrived, a reunion all celebrated.

Travelling on to St. Conan’s, a stop at Green Welly,

to use award-winning toilets, and some lunch for the belly.

Then traveling on to Stirling, they were dropped off and checked in,

a 6:30 dinner was soon to begin.

They went off to bed after such a long day

Sherry did a great job while their other leader’s away.

So the car ferry from Iona — what happened you ask?

Well, with a liminality experience Fr. Marty too was tasked.

No news of car ferries nor did it seem they had any plan,

so with rain coming down, he hung out in the van.

They finally announced it would come in the afternoon around 2,

but by the time he found out, he was 8th in the queue.

For a ferry that’s small, there were 10 cars plus our van

They crammed them all on, like sardines in a can.

And right in front: John and Rachel (our friends from Monday’s dinner you recall)

who ran interference for Fr. Marty as we raced across Mull

To hopefully catch the ferry from Craignure back to the mainland,

We’d have to standby and hope they could squeeze us in.

The ferry attendant said that they’d do their best,

The sardine trick worked once more, they fit us at the back corner of the ship

The driver’s door couldn’t open, jammed against the starboard side for this trip.

So through the passenger window, Fr. Marty did exit,

So many people working together (not exactly like Brexit!)

With the rain pouring down, a 3 hour trip he survived,

but by 9:30 at night, at the Stirling Hotel he arrived!

The youth are in bed, but Sherry came down to debrief,

Back together tomorrow for breakfast; what a relief!

The group ready for their pilgrimage “adventure” with Sherry
They are on the makeshift Ferry ready to say goodbye to Iona.
Waving goodbye to Fr. Marty (see Iona Abbey in the background).
On their way from Iona across to Fionnphort, Mull.

2 responses to “Friday – July 22, 2022”

  1. Oh my! What an ordeal!!! Hopefully now just a happy memory since everyone made it safely – and are together again!!
    Venture on Pilgrims!!! Love and prayers to you! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Loving reading your daily blog—it brings back happy memories from the first adult pilgrimage Fr Marty led many years ago that I was blessed to be part of.

    I’m reliving our time there vicariously through your adventure now. Thanks for the great pictures too!

    Hearing your updated versions of Psalm 23 at our 9:30 St Joseph’s service was a wonderful treat this morning. What a great group you are! We’ve been praying for you throughout: for safe travels and a blessed experience. Stay safe and stay well!

    Jesus loves you and so do all of your fans, friends, and family at St Joseph’s!!!