Tuesday – July 26, 2022


It was a sleep-in type morning for this weary eyed group,

Bella made Red Lobster Biscuits to go with our soup

an early lunch at 11, and after: a long island walk.

It was a gorgeous day on Holy Isle as we hiked and we talked.

A few stops at the beaches we overviewed along the way

If we had more time left, they’d have stayed there to play.

But the pilgrims wanted to learn about Motivational Gifts and how they are wired

So Andy led the discussion that kept them inspired,

Who are we? : a teacher, a ruler — but wait there’s more:

a server, a giver, a mercy, and even a helper: so now we explore

the gifts uniquely given from the time of our birth.

and the way of relaxing into each’s beloved worth.

After all this hard work, we then prepared Indian food,

Soon the rice was all gone, for the curry was good.

We ended the day with Celtic night devotion

then all went to bed; this wonderful day now is done.

Tomorrow morning we leave for an overnight trip to York Minster (Wednesday afternoon) and Durham Cathedral (Thursday morning). We’ll update the blog as time allows….