Sunday – July 24, 2022


No photos today, but hopefully you saw us on “TV”, during the 9:30am service. If you missed it, you can view it here, starting at 6:25 minutes:

We started the day walking St. Mary’s way,

the Anglican Church where we’ll worship today.

And there inside the door, not sure who would meet us,

but our good friend Mark Fleeson was ready to greet us!

We searched after church for a place we could zoom

with St. Joseph’s at 9:30, but we found no room

So Mark Fleeson the rescue — he offered their store

A perfect location — we could not ask for more!

We were able to hug Mary, who came down for a bit

And then it was time to get on with it.

They all shared their versions of Psalm Twenty- Three

They were all very creative I think all would agree.

Then we had some free time before they walked the Pilgrims’ Way

a pilgrimage tradition — for hundreds of years to today.

Andy led the way, while Fr. Marty prepared the food,

Andy and Anna joined us, the food and conversation were good.

Then Andy and Anne led us in Celtic Compline prayer,

A holy ending to our Sunday that was without compare.